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My focus is to have a healthy voice no matter what kind of music you are singing. Every class is build specifically for your needs, dreams and wishes, so the lessons are both fun and challenging.


I teach singing and vocal techniques on all levels from 17 years of age and up.


Lessons could include

-Breathing techniques

-Working on various vocal qualities/techniques

-Expanding the voice

-Learning a song


-Body and voice connection

-Imagination work with a song​

-Interpretation and expression


Copenhagen - Nordvest or Vesterbro.

Online lessons


KONUR is a female choir for 25 strong singers.

The genre is folk and world music from countries like Georgia, Bulgaria, Corsica and Ukraine.


The choir is led by Nini Julia Bang, and guest teachers will regularly be invited in to expand our horizons.


It is expected that you are ambitious, practice at home, feel like taking solos occasionally and come for the rehearsals.

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At the WORLD CHOIR we sing polyphonic songs from all around the world. 

Most of this unique music has been passed down from generation to generation throughout centuries. The songs have a deep and warm timbre, which goes straight to our hearts.


The choir is open for both advanced and new singers of all ages and genders. It is not necessary to know music notation, but I expect that you like to sing - and preferably in tune ;)

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What makes a singer or a performer have an attentive and powerful presence? The workshop explores this question and aims to awaken a listening presence and enhance the relationship between voice and body.

Through finding a deeper connection with voice, physicality, breath and songs we aspire to let our creativity flourish and guide our performative imagination.


Participants will be led in vocal exercises, inspired by techniques from Roy Hart, Anne Rosing, Teater ZAR and Estill, brought to life in polyphonic folk songs from Georgia, Bulgaria and Corsica.

We will work with finding the 'core' of our voice, as well as improvising and exploring new sounds.


Through the voice we will look into intention and what it is that makes a song or a bodypowerful and alive.The workshop is for singers who already know their voice well, as well as for dancers/movers/performers.


"I want to thank you, Nini, for your incredibly spirited guidance. This evening, I sang my little baby to sleep - it was in a different way this time... I felt my heart pouring out from me to him in a clear, connected way - I felt more generous with my voice. Thank you for that invitation to open up and express myself to him. I feel like a part of my soul has been awakened."

"Today I decided to write to you and let you know how strong it has been for me to work with you! You were the first person who showed me the inner dreaming layers of my vocal capabilities! On the first two workshops I was too shocked to see and understand what was happening, but now time has passed and I see clearer – you took my hand with light and pixies in your eyes and told me not to fear. It was such a turning point! To let go, let go... For you it was so obvious that I (we all!) have it inside of us. And that it is natural that we are animals – screaming, calling out, in so many different strange ways! So, it’s not even that we CAN sing, but we NEED to do it – just like breathing. And of course I want to tell you that you are very good teacher! :)"

Briana Ratterman

Aleksandra Zawłocka

In this workshop you will learn traditional polyphonic songs from Georgia. We dive into what it is that makes the folk singing in Georgia so special, what kind of polyphonic traditions there are in the country - and you will learn to sing songs in some of these different styles. All songs are learned by ear. You will be sent a list of the songs beforehand, so you have the opportunity to listen to them before the workshop.

The workshop is for everyone aged 17 and up.

"Some of these songs have been sung for thousands of years, being passed on from generation to generation. They contain the breath of ancient times, and I share them with utmost awe and respect."

Nini Julia Bang

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