2-day workshop for all who are curious about the relationship between voice and body.
Time & Location
29 Apr 2023, 10:00 – 30 Apr 2023, 15:00
København, Sønder Blvd. 81, 1720 København, Denmark
About the event
I denne workshop lærer du traditionelle flerstemmige sange fra lande som Georgien, Korsika, Bulgarien og Ukraine. Igennem sangene vil du blive introduceret til at finde en dybere tilstedeværelse på scenen, både som performer, sanger og musiker. Nogle af disse sange er blevet videregivet fra generation til generation i mere end totusinde år. Workshoppen har til formål at vække et lyttende nærvær og styrke forholdet mellem stemme og krop. På workshoppen lærer du at synge fra kernen af din musikalitet og at improvisere med og udvide dine vokale evner.
Workshoppen er for sangere der allerede har et godt kendskab til deres stemme, samt for performere og dansere, der er nysgerrige på at åben mere for stemmens potentiale.
Lørdag d. 29. april kl 10.30-14.30
Søndag d. 30. april kl 10.30-14.30
Early bird (ved tilmelding inden d. 14. april): 1050 DKK (950 DKK for studerende) Efter d. 14. april: 1300 (1150 DKK for studerende)
In this workshop you will learn traditional polyphonic songs from countries such as Georgia, Corsica, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Through the songs, you will be introduced to finding a deeper presence on stage, both as a performer, singer and musician. Some of these songs have been passed down from generation to generation for more than two thousand years. The workshop aims to awaken a listening presence and strengthen the relationship between voice and body. In the workshop you will learn to sing from the core of your musicality and to improvise with and expand your vocal abilities.
The workshop is for singers who already know their voice well, as well as for performers and dancers who are curious to open up more to the potential of their voice.
Saturday 29th of April at 10.30-14.30 Sunday 30th of April at 10.30-14.30
Early bird (when registering before April 14rth): DKK 1050 (DKK 950 for students) After April 14th: 1300 (DKK 1150 for students)